Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Hero unearthed

Fry them, boil them or mash them it doesn't matter potatoes are the staple in any house these days.
Potatoes are more than just a starch on the plate it’s the silent hero of the culinary world. The first potatoes were being grown by the Inca’s 2000 BC. The Inca’s believed potatoes helped with child birth (Don’t see how) and injuries. Potatoes were introduced to Britain and Ireland in the late 1500 s. It didn't go so well at first. Many people blamed them for diseases and condemned them because they weren't mentioned in the Bible. Both Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette wore potato blossoms to spiff up their outfits. (Partly to boost the crop’s popularity in France.)

Potatoes are loaded with Vitamin C and because of that they were eaten on trade ships to prevent scurvy. After conquering the high seas potatoes set its sites on a bigger project. Potatoes were the first plant to be grown in space.

After researching potatoes I found some really interesting facts about potatoes and apples. In French the potato is called pomme de terre, which literally translates as apple of the earth. I guess apple of the earth is just about an acceptable name for a potato but fries being called pommes frites is not. If I thought I was ordering fried apple I’d be a bit disappointed to see a plate of chips in front of me. The French aren't the only ones to associate potatoes with apples though. Back in Tudor Britain they were often referred to as “apples of love” and considered to be a natural aphrodisiac. Potatoes and Apples do seem to get on well. If you store an apple alongside your spuds it will stop them sprouting.

It’s a surprise for many to discover one medium potato (5.3 oz) with the skin contains:
·         45 percent of the daily value for vitamin C
·         More potassium (620 mg) than even bananas, spinach, or broccoli;
·         10 percent of the daily value of B 6
…and all this for just 110 calories and no fat, sodium or cholesterol.

So next time you eat a plate of chips at the local watering hole think about how far this little spud has really come…

Here is a delicious recipe to make your spuds the hero it should be….

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