Thursday, 14 March 2013

Keeping the Big Blue, Green

Okay, so these days there are a lot of things you have to check when buying food. Free range, dolphin free, Organic etc.  As much as this is a big pain for some of us it is a very important that we familiarize our self with these things.

SASSI (South African Sustainable Seafood Initiative) is the new thing and has brought to our attention to the following issue. Certain species of fish are either depleted as a result of over fishing or the manner of fishing causes environmental damage or a high bycatch. (The term “bycatch” is usually used for fish caught unintentionally in a fishery while intending to catch other fish. - Wikipedia)

So what can we eat and what not and why? This is where we get annoyed. Luckily SASSI understands human beings as well as fish and made it easy for us. On the SASSI web site they explain it all in a very easy and human friendly way. All fish is divided into three categories; Green, Orange and Red and by following these color codes we can make well informed decisions I our restaurants and grocers.

·         Green

This is the group from which consumers are encouraged to choose, as it contains the most sustainable choices from the healthiest and most well-managed populations. These species can handle current fishing pressure.

·         Orange

This group includes species that have associated reasons for concern, either because the species is depleted as a result of over fishing and cannot sustain current fishing pressure, or the fishery that catches them may cause particularly severe environmental damage and/or has high bycatch, or the lifestyle of the species makes it vulnerable to high fishing pressure. Consumers are encouraged to think twice and consider the implications of these choices.

·         Red

This group includes both unsustainable species, which are from collapsed populations or have extreme environmental concerns and/or lack appropriate management, and species that are illegal to buy or sell in South Africa (no-sale species). These species should never be bought by consumers. Fish highlighted in bold in this category are illegal to sell in South Africa.

This sounds all like a lot of trouble but just by making the little right choices we can make a big difference. So I ask you why not? Make sure what you take from the Big Blue, is Green

Here is the link to the SASSI Web site where you can view the lists of fish and why they are green, red or Orange.

Here is a Downloadable pocket size index card that you can stick on the fridge and make sure you do your best to help where you can.

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